Finally! I have been trying to get computer access for an hour! I asked to stay at a hotel in Vladimir that had WiFi. I guess their idea of WiFi is "dial-up". Maybe the meaning gets lost somewhere in the translation!
Well, I had good flights. A little delay in Wash DC. But, not a biggie. I sat by a nice man. I helped him with his Russian flash cards. He was impressed with my ability to speak Russian. Just shows you how bad the poor guy knows Russian himself.
I was supposed to stay two nights in Moscow. The plan as emailed to me was
Sun - fly
Mon - arrive 11am, go to Moscow hotel
(4pm meet with my missionary friends in Moscow)
Tues - 6am go to Vladimir
visit orphange and do passport paperwork
back to Moscow pm
Wed - fly home
BUT, that changed. I found out as we were driving down the road on our way to Vlad! Anyway, all's well now. I got ahold of my friends, we're meeting up tomorrow night instead. I am staying the night in Vlad which means I get to see Tess two times. So, that is very very nice!
I have AWESOME news about our little Tess! She was so happy to see me! We played for two hours! Oh, she was so fun and cute! It makes me crazy that I'm "not allowed" to sit on the floor and play with her - cultural thing. So, this time and sat on my knees. Made things much for fun for both of us! Plus, I figure she's mine now!!! Oh, I know that God had to make this special meeting today. I am sad to be by myself, hungry, thirsty, tired, etc. But, the past two hours made it all seem brighter! We played with balloons. Of course we bounced one around. But, the funnest part was when we both had a balloon and were trying to blow them up at the same time and knock them out of each other's mouths. Imagine two people with a purple and a yellow half blown up balloon sticking our of our mouths. Kind of "jousting" with them. I love four-year-olds!
I might be able to post again tomorrow - Tuesday. We'll see how it goes. Today I traveled 17 hours by airplane then drove 3 hours directly from the airport then went to the orphanage for 2 hours. I am dog tired!
Please continue to pray for me and my family. We miss each other and we're so ready to have all 6 of us together at home.
Oh, by the way, Tess was not at all sad to see me leave. But one out of two is not that bad! ;)
Harga Kontak Bbm Tertarget
8 years ago
So glad to hear that you had a good visit..the balloons sound like a lot of fun!
I hope you can get something to eat and get some rest soon! Ask them to help you order a pizza...they are pretty good.
Hugs to you!! One trip at a time. I know you are tired, but it won't be long and you will have her home.
That sounds so fun with Tess, did she do a lot of giggling? I can't wait to get to play with my new little grandaughter.
We are very anxious for you to get home. Oh I hope that you got something to eat, drink and some good sleep.
I love you
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