Saturday, August 1, 2009

We Have a Referral!

Hello to all! Did you think we fell out of the adoption world? We have made some changes in the past month. I am so excited to share some news...

We have a referral! She is three-and-a-half. We will be traveling to Vladimir, Russia within the next few weeks! Oh, God has blessed us so much!

What a testimony we have to share about God's providence and plan. During all the waiting, I just kept declaring that I will choose to praise God, even when I don't "see" Him. There are some things we can already see that show us He was working in the unseen places. Other things we might never know or understand. This has been such a great learning experience for our kids, too. No matter how long or difficult - if God calls you to something, don't give up. The Lord is there to strengthen you, if you'll just trust and rely on Him. This we are sure of - God holds time in His hands. He is so faithful and has blessed us more than we could have imagined.

We are excited for the weeks ahead and hope to get our travel dates soon. We'll let you know...


Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Congratulations!!! This is my favorite kind of post! I hope you get travel dates very quickly and everything falls into place just right! What a blessing!!!

Craig and Phyllis said...

That is wonderful news! I will have to look and see where that region is at! We will be praying for you as you are preparing to meet your daughter and as you prepare for the care of your children here at home. It is so great to hear your faith in God coming through so clearly in your posts! I am anxious to hear "the rest of the story!" : )

Mama Fish said...

Congratulations!! I'm excited to read more about your upcoming trip as you travel to meet your daughter!

Patti said...

Great news! I pray that you continue to stand firm in praising the Lord no matter what! Congratulations!

Amy said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Congrats - this is wonderful news!

Troy and Rachel said...

Congrats!! I know you all are thrilled. God is good!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I was just praying for you today, thinking you may be there. We're very happy for you and your family!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Can't wait to hear happy for you and for this little girl waiting for dates?