Just to let you know where we are...
Our paperwork is still in Astrakhan. There is a snag in switching to Moscow. CHI said there is no availability to any 2 to 4 year old girls in Moscow city. The girls coming off the database there are 18 months and younger. We are still re-evaluating and praying for God's direction. Please pray with us. We need to have peace with a decision. Where is God's leading us? We want to follow His plan. And, we want to get that baby girl home!
friends home in kennett
2 years ago
Hmmm... We too had some changes regarding age, once we arrived in Astrakhan. We were expecting to meet a four year old boy- we had hoped for a 4 or 5 year old son. In very specific ways which I won't go into detail, the Lord kept throwing up roadblocks for us to meet 4 year olds while we were in Astrakhan. At first it was confusing and extremely frustrating, but then we felt that the Lord was truly intervening and we ended up seeing Alex who was only 30 months old at the time. I know 18 months old seems a lot younger than you were planning on, but perhaps the Lord is moving you in this direction, as He has the bigger picture of your life. For us, I can already see why the Lord led us to our son Alex. Had we been firm on an older child, we would not have Alex in our lives. By no means should you feel pressured by others to change your age range. I know each situation is different, but I thought sharing our experience might be of help to you. Obviously you need to have peace in your particular situation and know that this is the Lord guiding you. I am lifting you up in prayer.
We were in a different region and then were asked to switch regions and up our age range from 18 months and younger to up to 3 years old. We did it and I am so glad we did. Our son at refferal was 20 months old and I keep thinking that if we had not upped our age range he would never have been reffered to us. Thank God for stumbling blocks and new directions! I hope you all find the peace you need to make the decisions that will lead you to your daughter. We're praying for you.
I am thinking about you constantly... hope all goes well. Obviously I am not "in the know" in Moscow -- but it seems odd that they are telling you that there are no girls over 2?? There are 4 pages on the database of girls over 2 that are available for option. Some are clearly special needs -- but surely they can't all be spoken for???
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